Tuesday, December 30, 2008

No Image Nation in LA

There is no art in our fair land of Los Angeles at the close of the year. Openings are neatly spaced around the holidays and the LA Times adds to our cultural desertion with hardly a line about visual arts. This is movie weather with the award season just around the corner so articles and features about movies and television offerings dominate.

            But there is a resistance movement. The meetings take place in studios and homes in groups of two or three or four couples. Subversion abounds in activities, conversation and food. Gift giving takes a stab at convention with handmade items and even books (!). Food is irreverently prepared in respect to traditional holiday offerings. A turkey or ham just won't do for these malcontents.

                Art is a lonely career. Remember the disappointment and confusion on your parent’s faces when you told them of your decision? Artists in need of companionship seek out other artists and the holidays are a bad time to be alone. I say fie to holiday mediocracies and mild expectations! Revel in your differentness with comrades-in-paintbrushes! What is needed in our media capitol of a city is our own public recognition and display!

Until then I hope all of us can enjoy our seasons meetings.

1 comment:

mister peach said...


did you know that january was la arts month? i didn't know that january was la arts month. it's the first time they're trying this, but i'm curious how much i'll hear about it otherwise.

seasons meetings to you!


This has been my life for the last month and a half.